Pandion haliaetus
Synopsis: Widespread along larger streams and lakes. Most notable are the records from Harney, Malheur, and Gilliam Counties. More widely distributed than depicted in Csuti et al. (1997).

Habitat Associations:
More strongly associated with water
than with particular vegetation types.
Lake/Pond Shoreline & Islands (484206 acres)
Western Oregon Riverine Woodland (27418 acres)
True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest (1545212 acres)
Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest (5842487 acres)
Edges of Freshwater Marsh (14664 acres)
Sitka Spruce-W. Hemlock Maritime Forest (274464 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-dominant Mixed Conifer Forest (374050 acres)
Northeast Mixed Conifer Forest (2472118 acres)
Jeffery Pine Forest/Woodland (43131 acres)
Conifer Woodland on Serpentine Bedrock (50403 acres)
Douglas Fir-Port Orford Cedar Forest (159626 acres)
Douglas Fir-White Fir/Tanoak-Madrone Mixed Forest (1024902 acres)
Ponderosa Pine Forest/Woodland (3750825 acres)
Douglas Fir dominant - Mixed Conifer Forest (2280790 acres)
Ponderosa Pine/White Oak Forest & Woodland (130054 acres)
Ponderosa Pine-W. Juniper Woodland (154989 acres)
Ponderosa-Lodgepole Pine on Pumice (967454 acres)
Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest (1251797 acres)
Siskiyou Mtns Mixed Deciduous Forest (179273 acres)
Northeast Canyon Grass & Shrubland (137120 acres)
Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed (237952 acres)
Northeast Modified Grassland (213219 acres)
Edges of Recently Cutover/Burnt Forest (1617619 acres)
Streamside/Wetland Shrubland (2171 acres)
Douglas Fir-Mixed Deciduous Forest (2934 acres)
Red Alder (52477 acres)
South coast Mixed Forest (2888 acres)
Wet Montane Meadow (2098 acres)

Relative Detectability: Very easily spotted and confirmed. Huge stick nests on snags and man-made structures, often containing noisy young, are very obvious.

Challenge: Locate possible nests of individuals observed in desert locations.